The Schneider Downs Standard

Internships serve a vital purpose for both employer and intern. While the employer seeks to find enthusiastic new employees who are reliable and productive, the internship serves the role as a trial period in which the employer can evaluate a potential employee. If determined to be worthy, the intern-turned-employee will already have valuable knowledge about the inner-workings of the company that save time and money in having to train him. These facts are well known and utilized in the modern business environment we live in. Conversely, and sometimes less realized, interns are also making use of the internship as a trial period to discover whether the employer is a company they could see themselves working for, and whether they find the work fulfilling.

To say that my time at Schneider Downs has been good would be an understatement. I have greatly enjoyed learning about the public accounting field in a hands-on way. However, this internship has been about more than learning, as I believe it should be. As a college student who will soon graduate, I wanted to use this internship as a benchmark for determining future career choices and goals. Before even starting my internship, I had decided to be as objective as possible in my evaluation based on certain criteria that I desire in my professional career - criteria such as: rewarding work, strong firm culture and community, personal and professional development opportunities, and an unwavering commitment to quality.

In my evaluation, I have seen these criteria met, and exceeded. Schneider Downs is an attractive work environment not only because the firm satisfies those basic needs, but also because they go above and beyond. It is apparent that the firm culture strives to uphold the “Big Thinking, Personal Focus” motto every day. Whether in the office or out at a client, I personally felt that my needs as a worker were being met, and that everything was being done to meet the needs of the client. This hard work and commitment is clearly paying off. Schneider Downs has seen tremendous growth in the past in not only revenue, but also number of employees, and is continuing to grow daily.

In my search for a benchmark, an effort to determine standard practice, my internship with Schneider Downs was not standard. I feel a sense of loyalty and belonging, as well as indebtedness, for being allowed this opportunity. Schneider Downs has set a standard that cannot be easily surpassed.

Contact us for more information regarding Schneider Downs internship opportunities

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
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Impacting Through Interning
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