Schneider Downs Summer Insight

Having the opportunity to intern at Schneider Downs the past two years has been an incredible learning experience.  This year I came into the summer expecting much of the same as last, the only difference being, I had a foundation of knowledge to build on.   Building on that foundation and talking to staff that I had previously met and others that I just met, it had occurred to me how much has changed in such a short amount of time.  This change wasn’t just turnover, but growth.   First and foremost was the merger between Schneider Downs and The Meridian Group.  Although it was announced before I started last summer, to come back and learn about everything they have accomplished in a year is incredible.  Secondly, learning that the firm had outgrown its space on the 17th and 18th floors and was expanding to more office space on the 16th floor speaks volumes towards the growth of the firm.  Another rewarding sign of change was the increase in interns.  Last year I only had the privilege to meet interns in the HR, Marketing, Audit, Tax and Corporate Finance departments.  This year on top having more auditors in my intern class I also had the privilege of meeting other interns in the aforementioned service lines, as well as interns in additional services lines such as Internal Audit, IT and Wealth Management.  While many things have changed at the firm, the attitude instilled from the top down has not.  The tag line, “Big Thinking.  Personal Focus.” could not be truer.  Each member of the Schneider Downs team, from shareholder to staff, has been nothing but incredibly helpful and insightful throughout my development during my second internship here.   

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