From Smeal to Schneider Downs

My Auditing Experience at Schneider Downs

Where I was going to go to college was an easy decision for me. I grew up in a Penn State household, so Penn State was in my blood. From the first time my parents took my brother and me to a Penn State football game, my heart was set on going to Penn State. What company I wanted to intern for this summer, on the other hand, was not as easy of a decision.

When I got back to school to start my junior year, I was faced with reality. I knew I needed to get an internship, but I didn’t know where I wanted to intern or how to even apply for an internship. Luckily, Penn State has a great career services department and online resources, which made the application process very easy. I applied to different internships and got so excited once I started getting interview requests. The interview process was nerve-wracking. My parents gave me great advice and told me to make sure I liked the company before I accepted any kind of offer. How was I supposed to know if I liked the company after only a 30-minute interview? After my interview with Schneider Downs, I knew exactly what my parents were talking about. My interview with Schneider Downs wasn’t the typical behavioral-based questioning I was used to. It was an everyday conversation, where the interviewers got to know me, and I got to know about them and the company. When I left the interview, I knew that was the kind of company I wanted to work for, and prayed that I would get a call to come back for a second-round interview.

Now, after working with Schneider Downs this summer, I am so grateful that I was able to have this amazing opportunity. This experience was everything I thought it would be and more. I learned so much more these past few weeks than I did sitting in an accounting class for an entire semester. I got great hands-on experience and got to go to a different client every week. I was also never given the same assignment to do, which I really liked as well. Each week I worked with a new team of employees of all different skill levels. Everyone I worked with was so nice and willing to help me with whatever I needed. I never had any experience with auditing prior to this internship and was able to get through it with the help of all of the Schneider Downs employees whom I’ve worked with this summer. I have learned so much this summer and am eager to take what I have learned and carry it forward with me throughout my accounting career, and I have Schneider Downs to thanks for that!

Read more about internships at Schneider Downs on our blog

Karissa Febert describes her positive experiences during her Audit Internship at Schneider Downs.

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