My Steps to the Accounting World

While deciding on a college to attend, I ended up choosing Point Park University due to the opportunity I had to participate on the track and field team. I began as a business major, but it was when I took my first college accounting class when I fell in love. Accounting was something that came so natural to me and actually gave me excitement (weird, I know)! I do think my accounting professors had a huge impact on this, and I could not be more thankful for that. Throughout my college career, I always excelled in my accounting classes and always was on top of my game due to my discipline that I believe was formed from my military involvement and from being a student-athlete. My junior year I was honored to receive the Financial Executives International Scholarship. I was so appreciative of this moment, which was a huge eye-opener for me. It was at the awards ceremony when I had the honor of meeting Jim Yard, who informed me all about Schneider Downs. Speaking with Jim and learning about Schneider Downs is when I immediately knew that this is a company where I could really see myself. The following day, I sent my resume in to a professor who was collecting resumes for an internship opportunity at Schneider Downs. A couple weeks later I went to an interview on my campus, where I was offered another interview.

And here I am today! I was offered an internship opportunity in the Internal Audit Department for this summer. I previously had taken an Auditing class, but was not exactly sure how it would relate to Internal Audit. Everyone in not only this department but the entire company overall has left a huge impact on me in such a short period of time. The employees have given me so many tips and advice for obtaining my CPA and have been so eager to help me learn and expand my knowledge throughout my whole time here. The employees here really go out of their way for you, and I really could not be working in a better environment. This experience has honestly taught me so much, and I was able to experience hands-on what I would be doing if I really worked here! Schneider Downs has introduced me to some tremendous people. Everything truly does happen for a reason, and I am so thankful I had this experience, because I do believe it will push me to continue to excel in my accounting career and encourage me to reach my goal of being a CPA.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
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Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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