The Importance of an Internship

Going into my last year of college, I have been faced more often than not by the daunting question of what I plan on doing after I graduate. This is especially a tough question because, in the accounting world, there are so many different paths you can go down. While my mind has raced countless times thinking about all the possible options there are, I find comfort in knowing that my internship experiences have helped guide me in the right direction. Without having the internships I have had, I would be more lost and confused than I was on my first day of college.

You never realize how important and useful an internship is until you actually get one, and even though colleges urge you to go to their career fairs and apply for internships as much as possible, saying you will is easier than actually doing it. The idea of having to talk about yourself is nerve-wracking, and having to do it many times in a short period makes it even worse. But once you climb the hurdle of having one interview, you get more comfortable and confident with how things work. I was lucky enough to have had multiple internships during my time at Robert Morris, including internships in private and public accounting. Having an internship not only helps reveal what things you would and would not like to do when you graduate, but you also get a glimpse into what life could be like once you graduate. Although doing well in school is a high priority on everyone’s list, classes cannot give the experience and knowledge that an internship can.  I have been privileged enough to spend time at Schneider Downs, where a high standard has been set for internship experiences. Having an audit internship here has helped me to choose to pursue public accounting upon graduation. Without Schneider Downs, I believe I would still be questioning my path after graduation, but now I can focus on reaching my goal when I graduate in May.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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