The Path You Choose Will Lead to Your Success


As soon as I walked off the elevator and onto the 17th floor for training, that was the feeling I received. From day one, the firm treated me just like an actual, full-time auditor. Earlier, I had the opportunity to meet some of the other interns and many employees at the company holiday party, which really helped ease me into the organization.

When searching for an internship, every company describes its culture. But Schneider Downs really excels. They didn’t hesitate to bring me into the field, and started teaching me immediately. Here, there is a genuine and professional environment that other companies cannot seem to master as well.

In the office and out in the field, the employees do not hesitate to stop what they’re doing in order to give you a task and explain something. The explanation you receive will include everything from how to correctly perform the task to the reasoning behind it. As an intern, it’s easy to simply perform the work. But when you actually understand the reasoning behind the task, everything clicks.

Not only do the employees care that you’re learning the tasks at hand, they also genuinely want to get to know you better. Going out to lunch and socializing at company events has really shown me how friendly everyone is at Schneider Downs. The work environment is, without a doubt, way different than the classroom. I know for a fact that I will leave this internship with much more knowledge compared to when I first started, and I couldn’t be happier to be interning for such an impressive firm.

I will always be thankful for the opportunity Schneider Downs has given me and I cannot wait to see what my future career has in store.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
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“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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