The Road to Tax

To say I had a different track than most people in public accounting is an understatement. I am the first to admit that, at age 18, I had no idea where I wanted to take my career. For the past six years, I have studied anthropology, environmental science, GIS, economics and am currently pursuing a legal education. Growing up with a father who was an IRS agent, I took accounting classes in college for practical purposes but steered clear of continuing in that direction.  Upon graduation, I was still conflicted and debating what career I wanted for my future.  In law school, I finally opened myself up to every possibility and tax began to click.

Here I was sitting in my Federal Income Taxation course and loving it. Shortly into the semester, I was ready to make tax my focus from then on out and subsequently signed up for every class I could in the field.  When our on-campus interviews began, I knew I had to apply to Schneider Downs if I wanted to make my dream a reality. When I finally received an offer, I couldn’t wait until summer to begin work.  Fortunately, I didn’t have to. Mike Collins reached out to me with an offer to begin in January. I was ecstatic.  Throughout the past seven months, not only has Schneider Downs confirmed my interest in tax, but the firm has given me the opportunity to gain firsthand experience.  From research, to returns, to informational sessions relating to specific skills, Schneider Downs has enabled me to have a confidence in myself, and in my work, and has allowed me to succeed and learn every day.  Furthermore, the working community within the company is unmatched.  Every step of the way someone was willing to help me if I was hung up on a problem or issue, and I never once felt as though I could not ask questions.  Although it has been growing to become quite a large accounting firm, Schneider Downs is definitely more than just a place to clock in and out. Schneider Downs has managed to successfully keep an environment that truly cares about its employees (interns included), their comfort, their work, and their success.

Contact us if you have questions regarding the Schneider Downs internship opportunities.

Visit the Our Thoughts On blog to read more about Schneider Downs internships.


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Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

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My Greatest Job Yet!
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