The unexpected…

Being an audit intern at the Schneider Downs was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

My first interaction with Schneider Downs was in February of 2020. I received an email from school that stated Schneider Downs was interviewing people who want to participate in the Summer Leadership Program 2020. At the time, I was struggling with the anxiety of not knowing anything, and the stress of not knowing how the real business world operates. Though I have not heard of Schneider Downs before, the description of the program quickly grabbed my attention. Shortly after I passed the interview for the Summer Leadership Program, COVID hit. Not doubt that I was anxious about whether the program would continue, but Schneider Downs exceeded my expectation, not only did they continued the program, but also offered us an opportunity to interview for their 2021 internship class.

 As with the Summer Leadership program, Schneider Downs adapted quickly and moved everything online. We had monthly meetings where we got time to meet all the other interns and got to meet different employees working at Schneider Downs. Those monthly meetings were also very valuable as we got to hear senior’s firsthand experience about CPA testing strategies and many more.

COVID-19 has been a great challenge for everyone, but Schneider Downs has done a terrific job at overcoming those challenges. Although my internship still ended up being virtual, Schneider Downs contributed a great effort to make the virtual work environment as if we were working in the office. Coming in knowing just about nothing, I noticed that everyone I worked with was so patient and kind. During the times when I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing, the seniors and managers would give me a call and go through exactly what I needed to know and what I needed to do. I really appreciate their effort in making this internship a great learning experience for us, as they keep us very involved in every project we were assigned to.

Being a family-oriented company, Schneider Downs truly cares and values each of its employees, and by far, it’s the best working environment that I have experienced, and the best internship experience I could ever ask for. 

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PCAOB’s New Standard Enhances Auditors’ Use of Confirmations
Single Audit Reporting Reminders
Understanding Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Audit and Reporting Requirements
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My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
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