This Too Shall Pass; Start Planning Now

As the toll of COVID-19 continues to climb, businesses large and small are feeling the impact of the virus. President Trump’s “15 Days to Slow the Spread” campaign has been extended through at least April 30, 2020, and most state and local governments have implemented consistent or more restrictive measures in efforts to “flatten the curve.” Many businesses have limited operations or shut down completely. And while any return to “normal” may seem far off at this point, companies should begin planning for the eventual reopening of the economy now.

Many businesses have designated cross-functional pandemic response teams to address internal and external matters related to human resources, health and safety concerns, operations, information technology, and communications. A “pandemic” or other crisis management team at your organization could be charged with carefully monitoring critical work-related situations and will enable a quick response if warranted. Teams like these can also start to plan for the safe return to normal operations.

On April 8, 2020, the CDC updated its guidance for essential workers who are returning to work after exposure to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. Recommendations include measuring the employee’s temperature, regular monitoring for other symptoms, having the employee wear a mask at all times and continuing social distancing and cleaning protocols. Visit for the latest information and guidance on COVID-19.

Automotive parts manufacturer Lear Corp., meanwhile, has published a 51-page “Safe Work Playbook” that outlines the practices it’s employed during the pandemic, a summary that may be helpful in reopening your own business when it’s safe to do so or when government mandates are lifted. Some of Lear’s protocols include screening employees and visitors for potential signs of illness and isolating employees who become ill at work, along with suggestions for advanced social distancing practices, such as staggered shifts. You can download Lear’s Safe Work Playbook at

To use an old phrase, this too shall pass, and businesses should be preparing for the new normal. Careful planning now will help smooth the transition for businesses, as well as their customers and employees alike.

Visit the Schneider Downs coronavirus resource page at for more related content.

Please visit our Coronavirus resource page at for related content.

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