An Unconventional Internship Experience

Interning with Schneider Downs this summer was certainly an experience I will never forget, despite not once stepping foot in the office. I had been definitely worried about working a virtual internship, but in the end my apprehension proved unwarranted and my expectations were far exceeded.

Obviously the global pandemic has forced changes in our everyday lives, but the thought of working a new job virtually was a potentially very scary experience. Clearly this was a first for me, but I had to remember: it also was a first for Schneider Downs. I learned very quickly that it was all going to be okay, and from my very first Teams meeting I knew this internship would work out and be amazing. Working in my chosen field—even as just an intern—can be intimidating at first, but the staff at SD&Co. made the experience completely free of fear. I had started out feeling stressed about the work, but in no time I was confidently assisting in audits and asking for even more assignments.

My experience as a whole was extremely educational, but the best part was networking with coworkers. At Schneider Downs, I was treated just like another member of the staff, and the friends and connections I’ve made will absolutely stay with me past the end of my internship. The stereotype of the intern “getting coffee” was most certainly not the case with this job, as the culture of the firm allowed me to fit right in and make a real contribution. Pairing me with staff and shareholder mentors and being able to ask questions every week allowed me to gain insight of what it’s like working at the firm under normal circumstances, and what to expect in the years to come.

I’ve learned more about auditing and the daily tasks of an accountant from this internship than I ever thought imaginable! While it was my first experience working in the field, I now feel more than prepared and comfortable handling assignments in audit and risk advisory services. Working at SD&Co. has truly been the best professional experience I’ve ever had, and I cannot wait to bring some of my newfound knowledge into my final year of college.

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our thoughts on
My Greatest Job Yet!
Starting from Scratch: My First Internship
Internship BY Haddae Allen
More Than Just Public Accounting
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
Student-athlete to Accountant
Impacting Through Interning
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