Yinz Go DahnTahn for an Internship n'at

Coming into any new job you’re not sure what to expect. Schneider Downs showed us the two most important things right when we walked in: the bathroom and the coffee pot. After that, it’s all up to you, kinda.

After completing my undergrad in Accounting at Penn State (Big Ten Champs), I knew I wanted to go into public accounting. The next tough decision is about where I could see myself starting my professional career. While going through interviews for internships and talking to different people about possible opportunities, I realized it’s not where you are working; it’s the people you’re working next to. And that’s the Schneider Downs difference.

Coming from a passionate sports family, I always find myself looking for a team. From the first day on the job, I felt I was on a team at Schneider Downs. I immediately found myself wanting to do my part for the team and not let anyone down. But I realized that I don’t always have the answers, so I had to look to someone else. Whether it was a shareholder, a manager, a senior or a staff, someone was always there and willing to help me. This culture is what makes the sometimes frustrating work less frustrating. And the sometimes long days not seem so long. They say who you surround yourself with says a lot about you, and the group of people at Schneider Downs is definitely a good look.

The internship itself offers a wealth of information. You see and discuss so much that it’s impossible to not come away with a new basket of knowledge. It was also a great learning experience because I got to see so many different types of work. I found what interests me the most and what I am best at. I figured out that no client is the same and there’s always something you can learn. Whether it is how to audit cash or where the best place in Coraopolis is to eat.

If you’re from Pittsburgh, you know the classics; Primanti’s in the Strip, the Thunderbolt at Kennywood, and winning championships. If you’re from Pittsburgh and in the business world, you also know Schneider Downs. You never meet anyone that has anything bad to say about Schneider Downs, and that is because of the quality of the people and the work. My internship definitely taught me about accounting, but it also taught me what it’s like to set the bar really high, and never miss your goal. 

Contact us if you have questions regarding Schneider Downs internship opportunities

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My Greatest Job Yet!
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Impacting Through Interning
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