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Articles 141 - 148 of 148

Problem-Solving Takes Question-Asking

My Internship Experience Over the past few years, professors, advisors, and even my friends and family have stressed to me how important it is to get a

The Fairytale of Accounting: The Beginnings at Schneider Downs

When my junior year at Washington & Jefferson College began, the professional internship interview process was underway. I was nervous but excited

Understand the People, Know the Company

Understand the People, Know the Company It took me about 10 different majors (my poor parents) before I was able to finally land on Human Resource Management.

An Unforgettable Experience

My Experience at a CPA Firm: It has officially been four weeks of my internship here at Schneider Downs. I believe I have learned more in these few short
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Tim Petro | 6.25.2015

The Schneider Downs Education

Why Are Internships Important? As a junior accounting student at Gannon University, I found myself in a difficult situation. At Gannon, all business students

"Find an Internship yet?" A Familiar Question for anybody in College

My Schneider Downs Internship Experience: The August before my junior year of college, my parents really started harping about finding an internship for

From Smeal to Schneider Downs

My Auditing Experience at Schneider Downs Where I was going to go to college was an easy decision for me. I grew up in a Penn State household, so Penn

Big Company with a Family Feel

How I came to be here: I was introduced to Schneider Downs quite a while ago. My mom worked at the firm when I was young, and I was able to see the company
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