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Articles 131 - 140 of 148

The Dreaded Question...

“What are you doing this summer?” It’s a question any college student is asked hundreds of times throughout the course of summer break.
John Nappi | 8.27.2015

ND to SD

When starting my college education at the University of Notre Dame, I was very uncertain as to what I really wanted to do as a career. My 14-year-old aspirations

Exceeding Expectations: My Schneider Downs Experience

The August going into my junior year of college I created a list of goals I wanted to accomplish throughout the school year. My top priority was finding

Theory Meets Practice

Prior to being exposed to public accounting and Schneider Downs, the only experience I had to base my decision of a future profession in accounting was
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My Path to Schneider Downs

How I ended up at Schneider Downs: Back in high school and in the beginning of my college career, I was always interested in business, but was not entirely

Classrooms to Clients

Throughout the past three years of college, the question that I have been most frequently asked is, “What’s your major?” After someone
Ed Kremmel | 8.4.2015

Schneider Downs: A Pittsburgh Tradition

What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Pittsburgh? Many would think of things like the hardnosed sports teams, Heinz ketchup,

My Last Summer as a Student

With the start of my junior year approaching I was excited for the next two years to come. I knew that this summer would be my last summer as a student,
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Corporate Happened

Having watched quite a few sitcoms set in an office environment, I had some conception of what awaited me when I arrived at Schneider Downs. Obviously,
Kevin Mechas | 7.16.2015

Preparation was Stressful, but Well Worth It

My Audit Experience It had been a goal of mine to get an internship in public accounting for the summer after my junior year. People would always tell
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