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Articles 731 - 740 of 2836

OMB Releases Holiday Present

Learn more about the OMB's recently released 2020 Compliance Supplement Addendum which includes guidance on fourteen COVID-19 funded programs.

Learn How Employer-Provided Autos Can Benefit From IRS Notice 2021-7

Learn more about employer-provided cars that can benefit from the IRS 2021-7 notice.

Consolidated Appropriations Act as it Relates to Individuals

Learn more about the key components of the Consolidated Appropriations Act that are related to individual taxpayers.

Be Aware of Interplay Between the ERC, PPP and Other Payroll-Related Incentives

Learn more about the interplay between ERC, PPP, and other payroll-related incentives and how to manage each for maximum benefits.
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Todd Lucas | 1.14.2021

U.S. Infrastructure Not Making the Grade

Learn more about the U.S. Infrastructure report card provided by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and what needs to be addressed.

Where Cybersecurity and Fiduciary Responsibility Meet

Learn about important cybersecurity threats and best practices plan sponsors need to consider with vendors and providers to maintain cybersecurity.

Consolidated Appropriations Act – 501(c)(6) Organizations Qualify for PPP Funding

Learn if your 501(c)(6) Organization qualifies for the recently renewed PPP first draw loan program.

Large Declines Expected for 2020 PA Impact Fee Collections

In early January, the Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office (PA IFO) released its impact fee estimate for 2020. Total impact fee revenues are expected
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New $67 User Fee for Estate Tax Closing Letters Proposed by IRS

Learn more about the estate tax closing letter fee proposed by the IRS and its impact on estate planning efforts

Meal and Beverage Expenses Fully Deductible for the Next Two Years

Learn more about the fully deductible meal and beverage expense brought on by the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
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