Our Thoughts On

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Articles 941 - 950 of 2836

Changes to Spending from Restricted Funds in Pennsylvania

On July 23, the governor of Pennsylvania signed into law PA 2020 Act 71, which provides not-for-profit organizations additional flexibility with their

What is the Impact of COVID-19 on Dealership Valuations?

When the COVID-19 outbreak was declared a national emergency on March 13, nonessential businesses were closed by government order, which triggered a national

Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Hazard Pay Grant Program

Recently, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced the availability of $50 million in grant funding to provide hazard pay to employees in life-sustaining

Body Temperature Monitoring and Potential Coronavirus Detection

This Our Thoughts On article was developed by Construction Dive's brief on the health monitoring system. With increases in safety protocols at job
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Financial Boot Camp Series: Is Your Estate in Proper Order?

Estate planning is the process of identifying one’s assets and providing clear instruction for who receives what assets, when they receive it, and

PA Unemployment Compensation Covid-19 Relief

On March 27, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 9 of 2020, significantly amending Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation (UC) Law. Here’s a summary of

Special Considerations in Acquisition Accounting

The ink is dry and the deal is done! Your company just made a giant leap with an acquisition in hopes of increasing the top line and boosting shareholder

Results and Implications of the Manufacturing Institute for Supply Management’s Report on Business for Q2 2020

On July 1, the Manufacturing Institute for Supply Management (ISM) released its latest Report on Business, a monthly publication that examines industry
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My Schneider Downs Virtual Internship

As a graduating senior who saw his last 1.5 months of college and graduation ceremony essentially cancelled, I could not help but worry about the possibility

A Deeper Look at the ACFE’s 2020 Report to the Nations

Each year, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (“ACFE”) publishes the Report to the Nations, where it presents its findings related
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