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Articles 191 - 200 of 273

Louisiana Issues Filing Extension After Ransomware Attack

The state of Louisiana became the latest victim of a string of cybersecurity incidents involving government agencies when a ransomware attack impacted

Teach a Man to Phish: Six Common Elements of a Phishing Scams and How to Spot Them

Sensationalist headlines about cybersecurity incidents have become the norm. Sadly, so too have clever email phishing scams. A recent notice issued by

Questions to Ask Before Ransomware Hits Your Business

In the past, a ransomware attack would target a single computer and ask the victim for $500. But now, what we see during our own cyber-incident response

The Physical Side of Cybersecurity

At Schneider Downs, we always strive to uphold our responsibility to serve as trusted cybersecurity advisors to our clients and to the community at large.
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Sean Thomas | 10.11.2019

Vulnerability Scanning versus Penetration Testing

When organizations look to assess the resiliency of their information systems, there tends to be some confusion around what exactly vulnerability scanning

Ransomware Still a Growing Problem for Organizations of All Sizes

While the concept of malware-based extortion has remained relatively unchanged since the first documented occurrence in 1989, attackers have spent the

Imperva Alert

IMPERVA ALERT Cybersecurity threats evolve every minute of every day. Best practices exist to protect against or even mitigate these growing threats, but,

Manufacturers are Targets for Cybercriminals - How to Thwart an Attack

Manufacturers are targets for cyber-attacks. How to thwart an attack. As a manufacturer, the common goal is to boost efficiency and control costs, while
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Students’ Data Exposed by Pearson Hack

In the same week that Capital One disclosed a data breach that affected more than 100 million individuals, London-based Pearson PLC announced a warning

Capital One Data Breach Exposes 100 Million Records to Seattle Hacker

Barely a week after the Equifax data breach was settled for nearly $650 million dollars, there appears to be news of an almost equally large mega-breach
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