Our Thoughts On

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Articles 201 - 210 of 273

#1 Mobile App Garners Concerns Over Data Privacy

If you haven't already downloaded FaceApp, you have probably either heard of it or witnessed your Facebook turn from an office party to a nursing home

Cybersecurity and nonprofits: Time to button up!

If you were to look up the biggest data breaches over the last 10 years, you would find a gathering of some of the largest companies in the world, many

Cybersecurity & Employee Benefit Plans

The threat of a cyberattack is prevalent throughout the business world. Given the highly sensitive data held within employee benefit plans, it should come

The Dichotomy of Cybersecurity in Higher Education

Cybersecurity in the higher education (Higher Ed) realm faces many challenges. Unlike corporate entities, there may be many groups outside of central IT
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New features for enhanced password protection in Azure Active Directory

In a previous Our Thoughts on Article, we described a threat to organizations known as password spraying, in which an attacker attempts to login to all

Using Your Mail Server Against You

Occasionally on penetration testing/ethical hacking engagements we encounter misconfigured mail servers which creates an opportunity to either gather information

California First to Require IoT Security

The majority of cyber-attacks are not targeted, rather they are opportunistic, using automated phishing and vulnerability scans. Attackers usually identify

Better Understanding PCI Penetration Testing Requirements

If your company takes credit cards, you may be wondering if you are required to have a penetration test. In the past, it had been voluntary, but with PCI
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What is the SEC Looking For in Your Internal Control Environment?

This Article was co-written by Nicole Saldamarco At the recent AICPA year-end conference, SEC staff members indicated that they will be looking more closely

Understanding Cyberthreats in our Energy Infrastructure

Cybercrime Motive Most cyberattacks are simply motivated by money – revenue from cybercrime has reached nearly $1.5 trillion per year. The majority
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