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Articles 31 - 40 of 148

Unconventional Internship

Unlike a lot of students today, I knew coming into college that I wanted to major in accounting, become a licensed CPA, and work for a public accounting

My Virtual Internship

COVID-19 has put a hold on nearly everyone’s plans. In my case, I was afraid it would halt the start of my accounting career. I started my first
In my opinion, taking a chance is most often a good thing. For some people it may be more closely associated with negative attributes such as risk, but

Is this the “New Normal?”

Learn more about Rebbeca Hoffman's virtual internship experience with Schneider Downs.
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It was November of 2019 and I had received an offer to be an intern at Schneider Downs. I hadn’t taken an audit class before, and I hadn’t
I’d been interested in accounting as a career since my junior year of high school when I took an introductory course. After that I was intrigued,

A Once in a Lifetime Experience

Learn more about Kiersten Bender's virtual internship experience with Schneider Downs.

My Eight Weeks at Schneider Downs

Learn more about Jake Busshaus' virtual internship experience with Schneider Downs.
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An Unconventional Internship Experience

Interning with Schneider Downs this summer was certainly an experience I will never forget, despite not once stepping foot in the office. I had been definitely

Life as an Intern during Unprecedented Times

Learn more about Justin Pferdehirt's virtual internship experience with Schneider Downs.
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