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Articles 851 - 860 of 2836

Zerologon: Instant Elevation to Domain Admin

Learn more about Zerologon, also known as CVE-2020-1472, which has taken the security world by storm.

COVID-19’s Impact on Collegiate Athletics

Higher education has undoubtedly been one of the most significantly impacted industries across the United States related to the coronavirus pandemic. This

Final 163(j) Regulations a Win for Manufacturers and Private Equity-Owned Businesses

In late July, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued final regulations on Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 163(j) that limits the deductibility of

Choosing The Wrong Accounting Method for Home Construction Contracts is a Costly Mistake

Often you learn the most from your mistakes. If a contractor chooses the wrong accounting method, during the first two years of operations, the contractor
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2020-2021 Special Per Diem Rates

The IRS recently released Notice 2020-71, detailing the new special per diem rates taxpayers use to substantiate necessary business expenses while traveling

My Virtual Internship

COVID-19 has put a hold on nearly everyone’s plans. In my case, I was afraid it would halt the start of my accounting career. I started my first

How the Global Pandemic has Shaped my Internship Experience

Before starting my internship at Schneider Downs I was very nervous about what it would be like training and learning remotely during a pandemic. Thankfully,
In my opinion, taking a chance is most often a good thing. For some people it may be more closely associated with negative attributes such as risk, but
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Great experiences are sometimes born from unprecedented events. When I accepted the offer to intern in the Audit Department with Schneider Downs last fall,

Unconventional Internship

Unlike a lot of students today, I knew coming into college that I wanted to major in accounting, become a licensed CPA, and work for a public accounting
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